With a small footprint, they are highly adaptable solution for retrofit and new builds. Double-click on page to zoom 1-of 76. This website uses cookies to help us improve usability.

By continuing to use this site you consent to accept the use of cookies. For more information click here. The Packaged Cylinder offers a highly adaptable heating solution for retrofit or new build.
The PUHZ-(H)W Series has three packaged systems to choose froPUHZ -Wwith 5kW of heating for smaller applications such as small underfloor heating system and hot water cylinders, PUHZ -Wwith 9kW of heating for medium-sized underfloor heating systems and hot water cylinders, and PUHZ -HW1with 14kW of. Mitsubishi Electric Hot Water Heat Pumps are designed to both heat or cool water. Make an Enquiry Read our Heating blogs. The advantage of this series is the highest energy efficiency and possibility to work in winter in heating and DHW mode up to -° С. The Hydrobox is primarily for space heating in the form of underfloor or radiators.

For low-temperature application. Dizalica topline zrak-voda sastoji se od vanjske jedinice PUHZ -SW200YKA i unutarnje jedinice ERST20D-VM2. Explanation of particular details are given in the installation manuals etc.
KB Download Add to download list Contact Postbus 128. European Directives, the harmonised standards and the specifications. This unit that belongs to the Heating Line (that is air-water heat pumps) can be combined with the model Hydrotank ERST20D-VM2C: these units provide, in addition to heating and production of domestic hot water, also for cooling. Ecodan PUHZ -W50VHA-BS Heat Pump pdf manual download.
Also for: Ecodan puhz -w85vha-bs, Ecodan puhz -hw140vha-bs, Ecodan puhz -hw140yha-bs. The smallest capacity unit in our Splits range is the SWwhich is 5kW and is perfect for use in new build applications due to their modern day thermal efficiencies. Categories: Ecodan, Mitsubishi Air Source Heat Pumps. View basket for details.
PUHZ - SW50VKA , PUHZ -SW75VHA, PUHZ -SW100VHA, PUHZ -SW120VHA, PUHZ -SW100YHA. Captura la energía térmica existente en el aire exterior para nuestro beneficio. Monta eri mallia ja kokoluokkaa jotta löydät juuri taloosi sopivan lämmitysratkaisun. Pienen koon ansiosta helppo sijoittaa myös mataliin tiloihin. Some descriptions have been modified.
PUHZ-SW50VKA and PUHZ-SW50VKA -BS in REVISED EDITION-C. PUHZ -SW serijos šilumos siurbliai yra lyderiai rinkoje pagal sezoninius naudingumo rodiklius ir išskiriamą šilumos kiekį prie itin žemų aplinkos temperatūrų. PUHZ -SW75YAA ir PUHZ -SW100YAA serijos trifaziai, vieno ventiliatoriaus, ypatingai tylūs (net 10dB tylesni nei PUHZ -SW-HA modeliai) lauko įrenginiai. Unutarnja jedinica opremljena je tehnologijom za grijanje i pripremu tople vode, ali se u ovom setu isporučuje bez svih potrebnih dijelova za funkciju pripreme tople vode (sonde, troputnog ventila i spremnika za vodu). Tato tepelná čerpadla jsou tak ideálním řešením pro použití v pasivních, nízkoenergetických a menších rodinných domech.
Nové venkovní jednotky z řady Power Inverter – New Generation s označením PUHZ -SW nyní nabízejí ještě více energeticky úsporný provoz než doposud. Тепловий насос має складатися з наступного обладнання: - Зовнішній блок серії Power Inverter PUHZ -SW. У якості гідромодуля може бути використано як готовий гідромодуль виробництва MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC, так і гідромодуль. Vysoká efektivita vďaka invertorovej technológií.
Deluje tudi ob izredno nizkih temperaturah (kar vse do -°C) in hkrati zagotavlja visoko.
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